Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

All the biographies of the great saints, both Self-
Realized or not, as well as all the methods they teach
are their path, not yours. You may find some sense of
commonality reading their biographies, like that of
Ramana, but you need to realize you are not Ramana;
his way may not suit you at all.
Eventually you need to have faith in yourself, or
faith in a guide. All the teachings, concepts about God,
surrender, but especially about what the guru is and
how he or she functions, all this must go out the door.
You need to become simple, not complex: focused on
the Self, not distracted in a dozen different directions.
One must become utterly sick of wasting one's time
digging shallow holes in other’s spiritual real estate.
One screws up one’s courage and says to ones self, "I
have had it. I'm sick of the spiritual marketplace. I
know that what I seek is me, the "I am. How do I find
You ask yourself, “Does it matter how Ramana or
Nisargadatta found themselves? Does it matter what
method they recommend?” You say to yourself, “I have
tried dozens of methods and have read hundreds of
books. I am more confused than before I started my
search for spiritual knowledge and awakening. I have
concepts bouncing around my mind and they all seem
equally valid. What am I to do?"

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