Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

In other words, they did not all recognize that the
‘I-thought’ had no referent; nothing that the word ‘I’
pointed to, which is the currently accepted criteria of
awakening offered by the neo-Advaitins and some
other New Age groups.
However, part of his realization was that any
communication that passed between people based on
words, was unreal, not truth. All the Scriptures only
point vaguely in the direction of the Self. You have to
dissolve yourself of any connection with anybody else:
any teacher, Ramana, Nisargadatta, Robert, Muzika,
and find your own truth.
You have to be ready to dive deep into yourself, no
longer tread water in the shallows, but sink to the
bottom: go away beneath the mind, shut the mind
often; go deep inside yourself. Reading does not help
you here. Purification does not help you here. Most
meditations do not help you here. Just look within at
On the other hand, there is one other way, and
that is to have faith in One Teaching, One guru whose
teachings focus on realizing the Self. But this is a
different story for a different post. After wandering
aimlessly in various disciplines for over 20 years, I
found my one and only teacher; Robert Adams, and

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