Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

But you see, this is all projection and image,
carefully managed by handlers, whether of Ramana,
Muktananda, or as I did with Robert Adams.
It is the guru myth so carefully created and
maintained, which is really the universal myth built
into all of us of the "God-Man" or superman, that is
precisely that which prevents us from becoming real,
becoming enlightened and bereft of any illusion of
The true spiritual path consists of losing all of
these images and just becoming more and more
"unspecial," "unrealized," "unthinking," and
"undreaming"; just becoming YOU as the sense of ‘I-
All the images are what make up the false self, the
idealized and also the hated and buried images of our
selves carefully pushed out of consciousness. Getting
rid of these images, ideals, projections, and the
attached emotions and thought processes, and really
REALIZED. One becomes more and more ordinary,
dissolving all the "wrinkles" in everyday consciousness,
such that the core experience of ‘I-ness’ is recognized
and revealed; as well as the secondary recognition
that the ‘I’ is both identical to what I "really" am, but
at the same time, ‘I’ am altogether entirely beyond it.

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