Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

So, realize it is really, really easy for a guru (or
anyone) to be, or at least appear happy when
surrounded by handlers that make his or her day
wrinkle-free; and if unhappiness or anger hit, they
pass briefly and never escape from his inner circle.
Thus the image of the perfect god-man is created and
maintained, and separately maintained by the guru
Given that this is universally the case, one can
easily see that the only people in the guru
environment who can take advantage of the presence
of the teacher, are those close enough to see what he
or she is really like. This happens only to handlers
around supremely popular gurus like Osho or
Muktananda, (who themselves are often corrupted by
the narcissism that their own culture has created by
being part of an inner circle), or by being around a
teacher who is relatively unknown, such as Robert
during his life.
Even then, most who attended Satsang never saw
Robert for who he was; they saw their projections,
positive or negative, and when the positive projections
were broken, they had two choices: cut and run, as did
most, or stay because you loved or respected Robert,
as did I. Guess which of these two classes of people
makes any "progress" in "lightening" themselves of false
images, emotional baggage, and endarkening beliefs?

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