Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Some people want to have their cake and eat it
too. In other words, they want to hang on to their
pride in their accomplishments: their family, their
children, their job, and they want to especially hang
on to their search for spiritual knowledge, as opposed
to just looking into one's own awareness and searching
for the ‘I-sense’. Some people just refuse to accept no
mind, becoming dumb as a rock, becoming good for
nothing as a way of life. There is too much pride in
them for everything about this worldly life.
Some people feel that the purpose of spirituality is
to enhance and make better their everyday worldly
life, much like many Christian, street preachers who
say that it is God's will that you be happy, healthy,
wealthy and wise. There are some spiritualities which
are entirely directed to making your everyday life
more productive and happy, like various forms of
Japanese chanting Buddhism, such as the Soka Gakkai,
where one chants for happiness or for things, as well
as the Sedona release technique, where you learn to
let go of things in order to get things.
Much of Christianity is dedicated to securing the
good life through prayer and tithing, sort of asking for
a divine quid pro quo.

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