Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

In any event, no matter what types of spirituality
the average person practices or accepts, very few
want their practices to interfere with their everyday
family life and career. They want spirituality to
enhance their everyday life and happiness and career
goals. They want to let go of nothing. That is, they
want to have their cake and eat it too without being
bothered much by a need to walk the talk of surrender
or letting go, and going within.
Therefore I want to read part of a talk by
Siddharameshwar called "Give up the Addiction to
Mundane Worldly Life," dated August 12, 1934:
“The worst habit is that of mundane worldly life. It
is called the "greatest addiction." By force of this
addiction to worldly life, Paraatman is made to believe
that He is an individual, and is compelled to live the
worldly life as a prison. All bad habits can be dropped,
but the addiction to mundane life is the most difficult
to drop. The mundane worldly life is called the blind
dark life. The greatest enticement of Illusion, Maya, is
this mundane life. However great maybe ones sorrow,
this addiction cannot be dropped. One is greatly lucky
if this addiction is dropped. There is only one person
who condemns the worldly life, and that is the saint.
Nobody else does that. One does not even think of
leaving this worldly life, even if one suffers endless

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