Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

People try to strengthen their ties with others by
speaking to them respectively and congratulating each
other over small things. People compete with each
other for earning more honors and status. In this way,
they feel they are happy in life. They act as if this is a
respectable bad habit.
The "God of Death" is happy to give you many kinds
of bodies and various troubles. Know that the body is
your enemy. Very few are those who have truly
understood. Only those who are lucky enough to
receive the blessings of the guru, who is the Self, can
escape from the illusion by right efforts. All others are
bound to the treadmill of life in various incarnations,
and they make houses of bodies of various shapes and
Those who consider themselves as being very
scholarly only raise many various doubts and lead quite
a wrong way of spiritual life. They only end up
unhappy and make others unhappy as well. The man
who is extraordinarily clever and learned is truly of no
use. He puts himself and others at a great loss. He
suffers because of his own pride in knowledge and
worldly attainments.
The things of this world that are cherished by
people always breed fear. When some action is done
after listening to the opinions of worldly people, it
increases many kinds of fear. We get completely

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