Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

lawyer, Indian chief, executive, editor, or teacher.
There, we swallow our tongue so to speak, and accept
this as the bed we made for ourselves and continue to
plug away, while finding more freedom through
meditation and freedom from spiritual concepts, but
carefully avoiding letting this freedom spoil our
conventional life style.
When it comes to questions of breakup or divorce,
quitting our jobs and starting a new career, dropping
out of college, and just leaping into an unknown
future, we find this is an entirely different and much
larger ball of wax.
The escape from the trap of spiritual teachings is
entirely less traumatic than escaping from a dead
marriage, a dead-end career that we have spent 20
years in, or even changing our politics from
conservative to liberal and actually making a
commitment to getting involved in some way such as:
in animal rescue, or some other new endeavor entirely,
because this involves actually walking the talk, as
opposed to merely meditating and thinking about the
talk. Actions speak much louder than words, concepts,
or meditative peace.
I think all good teachers try to think of ways to get
their students to break out of their conventionality as
well as to experience one's own sense of Self and to
love ones Self. Robert would "cook" us by creating real-

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