Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

recent avadhut was Rajneesh. In a sense, Nisargadatta
was also an avadhut who challenged all of the students
to shed all of their concepts, but who himself
continued to lead a conventional life.
Personally, I feel that sarcasm, humor, especially
dark humor or sarcastic humor, direct criticism, as well
as courses and expositions that emphasize critical
thinking, can be as helpful as long periods of dry
meditation in freeing oneself from the conventional,
whether of conventional religion, a conventional life,
the American dream, political persuasions, or Face
book political correctness.
I think comedians like Lewis Black, Bill Maher,
George Carlin, Jon Stuart, and many others, provide a
bit of effective antidote to those immersed in the
American dream, conventional religion, and
conventional careers.
These men help deconstruct the conventionality
we are immersed in, and help us breakout from
imprisoning molds. Lewis Black states that his mother
has a black belt in sarcasm, and his routines drip with
such sarcasm, which can be utterly unfettering.
This is why I teach as I do, with heavy sarcasm and
profanity. I desperately want people to break out of
conventional mindsets and behaviors which they do not
even see let alone recognize as a trap, a hindrance to

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