Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

freedom. This kind of freedom is far more important
for the future of mankind, than for the isolated
individual to gain complete release from the fetters of
mind and flesh in a great Satori. When such one gains
freedom and great enlightenment, he or she becomes
freed, but then what? What about the rest of mankind?
Are they not struggling under conventionality imposed
by the Catholic Church, by born-again Christianity, by
Christian morality, by Buddhist morality, by sharia law,
by Jewish folklore in the form of the Old Testament,
and all kinds of “political correctness?”
Is not a large portion of the population of the
United States gripped by a very conservative
mentality, supposedly Christian, heavily subscribing to
getting government out of welfare, child support,
education, and healthcare; and turning all of these
responsibilities over to the family or to "private
enterprise," and companies with a profit motive? How
do we help these people?
How do we help people who kill others, such as
soldiers long indoctrinated by training from their
governments into accepting killing for the sake of God
and country, escape this mindset? How do we help
butchers and slaughterhouse workers, as well as
consumers to understand that killing sentient beings
for meat, for other byproducts of their dead bodies, is
repugnant and an offense to the self?

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