Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Robert Adams...............................................................................

I get so many comments from folks telling me I
totally do not understand Advaita, spirituality in
general, awakening, Robert or Ramana, Nisargadatta,
or anything else for that matter.
So many people seem to know Robert better than I
did and they tell me so.
But very few were with Robert, maybe none that
comment here.
Yes, Robert was not of this world. Even his wife
Nicole said that even after knowing him for 40 years,
she expected a flying saucer to land some day and
take him away, back to β€œhis” world.
I can attest to that.
But you have to understand Robert was also
human. He feared dentists. He spread rumors which
constantly spoiled his sangha. He played tricks on
people, and lots of other things.
So many people have concepts about gurus, what
they are like, what they should be like, what powers
they have, etc. Every one of these images and
concepts will prevent you from truly seeing and
accepting the teacher for what he or she really is, and

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