Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

will prevent you, therefore, from seeing who you are,
because the one discrimination begets the other.
Robert always denied he gave Shaktipat, but we
could always feel the Shakti in his presence. The
Shakti element was strong even as his body weakened.
He always denied he did anything energetically with
his students, but we all felt the energy from him and
in us. To this day I still feel it as a presence within me.
Robert was a vessel for Shakti. It had its own will
and way, he was not the doer and he knew it.
Some people think he could mind read them, that
all gurus had that power. He could not.
Many people in the Ramana Ashram believed that
Ramana could teleport, because after everyone left
the hall, some might come back and see that he had
disappeared, when he had still been there only
seconds before.
Ganeshan, Ramana’s nephew and Editor of “The
Mountain Path,” told me that many believed that, but
did not know that there was a hidden trap door near
the couch where he lay, through which he exited and
went to his room.
So strong is the need in many to idealize and
worship someone who can “save” them from suffering
and even from death, that they do not see the guru

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