Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

penetrates through and permeates all other states of
consciousness: like the waking, dream and sleep
states, as well as the mind with all its knowing, and
impulses, as well as the physical body, and even the
awakening Shakti itself.
Yet, one always feels there is something lacking
following this path: a feeling of love and the terrible
power of love to twist and turn you into a thriving,
flowering plant; or by its lack, into a shriveled leaf. I
am talking about human love, the love for another,
which in its deepest form is really love of the Self, for
itself, both in oneself: where the love arises and is
felt, but also love for the Self that is felt and
experienced in the “Other.”
I saw it in Robert. Robert was always seeking
personal love because he said it grounded him and
kept him in the world. What he meant was that love
of the Self turned inward resulted in a Ramana,
benevolent and impersonal: but love of the Self
turned outwards, brought a transformative power both
to the guru and to those who loved him or her.
Yes, Robert loved me. I could feel it all the time.
But he also sought the love of a woman to ground
himself, to excite and energize that Self-layer of his,
as well as energize the Self-knowing quality in the
woman. We men students were largely left out of the
masculine/feminine transformation around Robert, and

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