Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

The ‘True” Teacher........................................................................

Why are so many of you out there convinced that a
“true” teacher always looks and acts like Ramana?
Please tell me, what is it that you get out of a teacher
that has a quietist presentation like Ramana, rather
than having a rich, dynamic, and energetic delivery
with a full range of affect? Is it that you too have a
“rich and overly energetic” presentation which you
find painful and you seek respite from yourself in
creating an illusion of peace?
I do not get it. For many of you, a “true” teacher
never gets angry or agitated. He does not participate
in life. He lives in a different world, a world of peace,
gentleness, no anger, no reaction to the world,
desireless, sexless, and not a hint of judgment. Are
you that needy of escape from your own humanity?
Robert himself was not the way he came across in
Even in Satsang his sarcasm came across, but when
you were with him, his sarcasm, which is a judging,
became sharper, and behind people’s backs, he would
be judgmental. Never in public mind you, but
personally he would express his judgments about
people, including who to trust or not trust, who was
advanced and who was not.

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