Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

her body, and the mind was seen to be like a clear
bubble filled with junk.
You see, it is this kind of student I look for,
someone hell bent for freedom.
Another student was different when he came to
me. He had 12 years of intense meditation practice
before we first talked. He was almost at awakening.
It took just a little push. And his awakening process
continues as does my own. It never stops. There is no
end, no final state. His way had less drama, because
basically he was a Jnani. He is continuing to unfold
now on a Bhakti path. The first student is a good
mixture of Jnani, as a teacher, but even more so as a
Thus her way is more painful, disruptive, filled
with drama, intense feelings, devotion, and
increasingly, ecstasies.
There is another student who is almost totally a
Bhakti. Her awakening is filled with events of strife,
mental trauma, fears, but also is a path of deep love
and devotion. How many are willing to traverse her
path of continuous fear and emotional pain to get
where she is? Not many.
So, really I speak to the rare ones ready to go over
the cliff. For others I say, “Just don’t get caught by

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