Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

another within oneself, and realizing you are love
itself. The Self, which is Turiya, is perfect love,
devotion and surrender. Way before Self-Realization,
you will increasingly have experiences of bliss, awe,
love, energies and ecstasies that both race through
your sense of presence, and also fill it with ecstatic
states. Your body will seem torn asunder by
unimaginable love flowing, bliss and even more. It
really cannot be described very well.
Then one day, after you have loved long enough
and hard enough, the Self rises from within and
exposes itself to you; and you, the small self, will fall
to your knees in absolute awe and devotion. You will
feel the grace of God even if you do not believe in
God. You will feel the divine rising within you, just as
Krishna revealed himself to Arjuna and you will fall to
your knees in complete love, surrender and devotion.
All three agree on the next step. At some point
during your devotion to the Self, to the ‘I Am’, while
abiding in Turiya, Samadhi, the ‘I Am’, that sense of
blissful, ecstatic presence will abruptly leave and you
will recognize yourself as that which has supported all;
the principle that knows and supports the universe,
and also supports the ‘I Am’. The amazing thing you
will also learn, is this feels like you are returning to be
an ordinary you, except for the realization that all this
too is you. Everything is you and not you at the same

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