Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

time. You become ordinary, watching or participating
in life; it becomes your “choice.”
Siddharameshwar is both Jnani and Bhakti as is
Ramana. Nisargdatta is no longer a Bhakta at the end
of his life. He says that even after the ‘I Am’ falls
away, even after you have penetrated through Turiya
and have rested in what you are, you must continue to
find and worship the ‘I Am’, the Self within, the Self of
All. This continued worship is what adds sweetness
and wetness to non-phenomenal existence, because
otherwise, so many Jnanis burn out and dry up, as
happened to me, until someone blew life into me
Nisargadatta in a Nutshell:
You as a body/mind were born. You lived totally
involved with the world and your own instincts and
desires, 100% involved, but not aware of yourself as an
identity, a human.
Then one day, out of nowhere, sometime between
the age of 1-1/2 and 4, it dawned on you that you
were alive and existed. The ‘I Am’ was born! You then
began an existence of self-awareness, self-
consciousness, aware not only of your wants and
needs, but the realities imposed by the world.

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