Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

I was opened like a tin can and flooded by
emotions. I was flooded by love, love long buried and
unfelt manifested all the time. Other feelings arose,
jealousy, anger, fear, etc., and overwhelming positive
energies that permeated my entire being. I was filled
with joy all the time.
Even when depression or a sense of desolation
broke through into awareness, there was still an
underlying happiness and contentment. Energies
coursed both through my body and through my larger
sense of presence.
In the words of Muktananda, “I had come alive.” 6
Yes, emotions were there, huge, positive and
negative, but they were tame and mild things
compared to my experiences of 20 years before when
emotions could tear me apart.
Emptiness, the Void, and an energized sense of
presence contained everything. Emotions just arose
and passed away without blockage---not an
instantaneous transformation, but one that occurred
over six or eight months or so.
This is when I began to make everything personal
again. It is as if my personality had become reborn,
re-energized. Rather than just watching emotions pass
through me, joy pass through me, jealousy pass

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