Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

through me, love pass through me, they became mine
and I owned them.
Everything became personal. Everything became
more real, more immediate, and more alive. But more
than that, every idea I had ever had about the nature
of the spiritual adventure and path dropped away. I no
longer had any ideas or judgments about it.
I was completely open to what was happening in
the moment, to everything arising within myself and
between me and my beloved, including the experience
that there was no difference between us. There is no
difference between me and all of you out there. No
difference whatsoever. I love you all as myself.
I am free to be ordinary and not locked into the
notion of always being in an ecstatic Samadhi, or
focused just on the Void, either the Void I experience,
or the Void that I am, which can’t be experienced in
the conventional way.
I am now also free to die, to let the body drop
away without regret, for every moment I live my life
with no set of rules other than to follow my heart and
intuition at every moment.
This is what I try to teach all of you. Drop all of
your ideas about what awakening is like, what the
teacher/student relation is supposed to be, what

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