Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

then upwards through the heart into the neck, mouth
and upwards through the crown Chakra.
This love is experienced in many different ways as
love seems to have many flavors or tastes: sometimes
it is ecstatic, sometimes felt like a cool breeze;
sometimes it is experienced as a fragrance,
sometimes the flowing love goes into the heart and
fills you up until you feel you are going to explode in
the bliss of a whole body orgasm.
Sexual feelings begin flowing too, filling the bodies
of both men and women with almost unimaginable
pleasure and love.
It happened with me and continues. The divine
bliss of the Beloved, the Self, flows into the body,
revitalizing it; filling you with waves of ecstasy which
can last for days. Sometimes the pleasure is so great
that a few among us may lose their minds so to speak
for weeks at a time.
These waves of pleasure and rivers of love become
increasingly extended experiences and foreshadow the
arising of the Self in an explosive Self-Realization
experience that literally renders the remaining
personality as divine, for everything is permeated by
bliss and love.

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