Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

So what is awakening for me? It is a gradual
process of losing our minds and identities as humans,
as small frail, mortal bodies, and becoming aware of
deeper identities found in nothingness and love. At
what point can we consider ourselves awakened? This
is for each to determine for him or herself, and maybe
as in the Great Tradition, search out masters for
confirmation as did Robert for over 17 years. His
constant sadhana was to travel from teacher to
teacher to see, as he said, “If I had missed anything.”
Robert even had an awakening experience at age 68,
the year before he died. Notice, Robert did not start
guru shopping until after he awakened, not before.
But what does it take to awaken?
First, it takes a burning desire to be free, immense
energy, unstoppable energy; an energy that appears to
tear the body apart, leaves it burning and sometimes
leaves one desperate for relief from the energies.
It takes an immense will to escape from the illusion
and to see the truth.
It takes an awakened intelligence so as to not be
trapped by false teachings and false gurus, including
our own delusions and preconceptions.

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