Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

It takes a single-minded practice, such as some
form of meditation or self-inquiry, or abiding in the ‘I
Am’ and learning to love the ‘I Am’, which is my way.
It really, really helps to be with a teacher who has
had many awakening experiences, even if he or she is
not the mythical, “Totally Enlightened” being. To this
I bring in the concept from self-psychology, which
states that you don’t have to have had perfect parents
or a perfect early environment in order to be a well-
functioning human being. You only have had to have a
“good enough” mother and father, and a “good
enough” environment.
The same with your teacher, if you are lucky
enough to be open to one. He or she only needs to be
“good enough” for your place on your path and your
You know, there are so many people steeped in
positive thinking patterns which they accept as the
way to truth, that they think everything is unfolding
perfectly, and all teachers are equally good for
whatever student they are with. As some say, the
entire universe is conspiring to wake each individual
up. This is such Pollyanic nonsense. This is the way
they wish it to be, because then everything is ok, from
mass murders, wars, meat eating, plague and spiritual
frauds. It just is not so. You have to be as careful in
the spiritual marketplace as anywhere else, because

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