Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

frauds and deluded gurus are everywhere. You have to
be intelligent and sensitive to escape these traps.
Michael Langford wrote a book titled, The Most
Rapid and Direct Means to Eternal Bliss. It is really a
great book for those who are ready to drop everything
and begin a life of endless meditation on Self. But you
have to trust him and his method; otherwise doubts
will finally end this path for you. But so very, very few
will follow this path. Most will burn out before
reaching the goal, or they will read another book that
will change their mind, and they will begin a new
Robert’s final advice to me was, “Persistence is
everything.” By that he means to gain awakening, and
to build a sangha. Persistence is everything. Do not
despair if you have not awakened after 20 years. Just
keep trying. For those who persist, they tend, as the
baseball player who practices eight hours a day, to get
luckier and luckier so far as spiritual awakenings are
Student’s Response:
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I find
it heartening to hear from your lips that it is almost
impossible to awaken. Thanks for saying it as it is,
because it is so damn hard sometimes. It's like riding a
raindrop and hoping it reaches the ocean. I often

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