Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

daydream that people who have awakened are stunned
that they never saw what was in front of their noses
their whole life, that the truth is so glaringly obvious
in giant neon lights all round them, all the time, but
they missed it completely. I imagine that the truth is
within and without me all the time but I am not tuned
to that frequency and simply cannot see or feel it. It is
everything, but "I" is a very deep and dark filter that
will not let any of the light of truth through. I get
glimpses; then the filter closes up quickly. ‘I’ is
protecting ‘I’. I can only understand what ‘I’ creates. I
know there is a place and time where the ‘I’ exists
before it had had time to create anything. I have to
make friends with, understand and deeply love that 'I
Am'. I learn that 'I Am' doesn't exist either, yet I have
to discover that for couldn't make it up. If
it was a movie plot no one would believe it was
credible. A salmon has locked away deep somewhere
the faint traces of the taste of the fresh water from
where it was born and it journeys thousands of miles
without a map back to that first home. It gets you
thinking, it’s nearly impossible but not completely.

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