Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

etc., and don’t have a clue as to which is the ‘I Am’
phenomena to be concentrated on. They are lost in a
forest of sensations and perceptions and have no sense
of ‘I’ or ‘I Am’.[1]
If you look at the diagram representing
consciousness earlier in this book, you see
consciousness represented as having four levels. This
is only a metaphor because they are not levels in a
spatial sense, but are levels in terms of what can be
experienced in the totality of one’s inner spiritual
mansion. It is not even a matter of increasing
subtlety, so much as you will find that towards which
your attention is directed. If you want to find the ‘I
Am,’ you will. The same holds true for finding the
Witness, the looker or the Absolute. And, if you have
made up your mind after reading Neo-Advaitin books,
you will not find either an ‘I Am’ or the Absolute; you
will only find the top level of consciousness, the
body/world level and will not go deeper.
The Neo-Advaitins urge you to look within and tell
you that no matter how much you search inside you
will not find a ‘me,’ or an I-entity. Once you realize
what they say, you will understand a myriad of things
such as: the totality of existence is oneness, there is
no inner and outer division of consciousness, and the
body and other objects in consciousness are of the
same character as consciousness itself; dreamstuff.

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