Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1


I want to express profound gratitude to Lila
Sterling, a most diligent editor, and Waldo Thompson
who provided formatting, layout, and expertise in
production. Without these two friends and their active
encouragement and hard work, this book would not
have happened. I also want to express deep
appreciation to Chrissy Core for her ever cheerful
presence and brilliant work on the diagramming of
consciousness. This was a collaborative effort, and
there was not anyone who did not offer help in all
areas of production.
I also want to thank my three muses: again Lila
Sterling, Rene, and Deborah Gair, whose easy access to
the Subtle Body and direct expression of the feminine
has completely changed what and how I teach, from
classical Zen and Advaita, to the way of the heart.
I dedicate this book to all those who helped write
it, and to those who have shaped a new way of

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