Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

itself, through you, who is also the Self, and the mind,
and the physical body, and the Absolute, it is
experienced as divine energy, divine love, explosive
Shakti and Kundalini energies, and a sense of
overwhelming grace, of being held by a divine
presence which appears as “Other,” God, but is also
At this point, after one has first experienced or
realized the Self, one is ready to pursue the final step:
finding the looker or Witness, or Absolute.
Nisargadatta is quite clear in his direction: follow
the ‘I Am’ sense; abide there; love the ‘I Am’ sense
and it will release you, meaning you have left the
identification with consciousness behind, and now
identify with the looker, the Absolute.

Now this is the order I recommend: find and abide
in the ‘I Am’ to most quickly get to an initial Self-
Realization experience; then sink back into the looker:
become the looker watching consciousness and feel
that the consciousness is not you. I do not mean to try
to generate that feeling of separateness, but you will
feel there is something alien in the experience of
consciousness which makes it not you. Taking this
position, recognizing your Self as the unperturbable
Absolute, is the classical enlightenment experience of
the Jnani (master of the wisdom traditions).

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