Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Absolute, is as much ‘You’ as ‘You’ are the witness.
You have the luxury of identify with all of “it,” from
your position as the Absolute, and also the Self, and
also the various voids, to the most superficial level of
your human existence. It is all you! You are everything
and nothing. You are free to identify with everything
in or out of existence, or a small part of existence,
like a jealous rage. You are both beyond everything,
but also totally human, feeling the full range of human
emotions, desires, and understandings, but also an
entity that is now capable of exploring levels of your
humanhood that you were not strong enough or subtle
enough to explore before.
You can now explore all the parts of you that were
denied and repressed from infancy to becoming an
adult. Now you can own everything in you that was
buried or repressed by family and society. Your
spiritual freedom of identification now becomes a
power to free yourself and others from the
conventions and restrictions of society, which are
really repressions of your irrepressible human spirit.
At this point you can become an “Avadhut,” a wild
man or woman that to the unawakened, appear to be
madmen or women, out of control, unconventional,
unpredictable, a virtual tiger shredding the bounds of
family and society. At this point you pass beyond the
need for the respect and love that drive most people

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