Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

On Guru Concepts and Self-Inquiry..............................................

My question is about jnani behaviors along Indian
history. We heard about men who supposedly were in
this state and had different behaviors and life styles;
some of them were hermits, others warriors like
Krishna or kings like Janaka. Even Ramana Maharshi
said that self realization had nothing to do with
samskaras. He also said this:
"For a realized person, the one who remains ever in
the Self, the loss of one or several or all lives in the
world or in all the three worlds makes no difference.
Even if he happens to destroy them all, no sin can
touch such a pure soul. Then Maharshi quoted the
Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 17; 'He who is free from the
notion of ego, whose intellect is unattached, though
he annihilates all the worlds, he slayeth not, nor is he
bound by the results of his actions.’
The sage who knows the truth that the Self is
indestructible will remain unaffected even if five
million people are killed in his presence. Remember
the advice of Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield when
disheartened by the thought of the impending
slaughter of relatives on the opposing side.”

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