Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

I have mentioned all this because this question of
behaviors sometimes give me some disturbance,
because I think that I should be more good, more
loving and etc.. I always had the desire for the
Absolute but I cannot see my self as a “saint” who will
offer the other “cheek". I am sure Self Realization has
nothing to do with sainthood. I would like to hear your
opinion on this subject.
Ps: Even Ug Krishnamurti had said that the
personality does not change.
My Response:
Some interesting points you raise.
First, believe nothing you read in books or hear
about. The answers you find there are from long dead
gurus responding to specific questions of long dead
students, answering specifically for them, not for you
and your almost unformed question.
Do not read too much about how to inquire into
you, for are you not the one closest to you, where you
are and what you mean when you ask a question?
Ramana lived in a different world completely, 70 years
ago. He was not of your time; his experiences were
different from yours.
Trust only your own Self. This is where trust should

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