Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

to come away from it, to grow out of it naturally,
organically, within the confines of real, human
relationships, and not the artificial therapist/patient
or guru/chela relationships.
But how many are willing to do this, to chance a
mere human relationship? How many are willing to
rely on themselves to feel these feelings deeply and
grow up with them as opposed to fleeing from the fear
and insecurity into an artificial adult image of
Email 2, from same Student:
As a result of sitting with the deep feelings of
neediness today I noticed that what I found most
difficult is not the 'neediness' per se, but the fear that
arises around allowing myself to need someone, a
human so deeply. Fear that says, don't get too needy
with that person, what if they reject you...Ah, fear
and rejection.
I also noticed something sort of twisted about
myself. When I was feeling really needy for someone
this morning, along with the fear of being rejected by
this person I also wanted others that I was close to feel
this same way.
So, as they reached out to me like they normally
do, I purposely ignored their attempts to contact me.

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