Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

This is an extremely primitive and basic form of
nonverbal communication and love. But there is also
the sense of omnipotence that we can make the other
As the person matures this type of "communication"
and primitive pre-psychotic processes fall away.
You see, you are not dead anymore. Spirituality
and a very conventional "marriage" had buried you into
a conventional deadness.
Now you are alive but do not know whether you
want that either. It feels like life really sucks now
does it not? You know of course you can let go of that
love you had for this man after a while and return to a
living death, or accept that he awakened you to a
vital, if painful new life.
You see, the pain you feel now is the reason most
people escape into spirituality, they want to be
attached only to some permanent part of themselves,
like the ‘I Am’ / ‘beingness,’ or to God, or something
else that will not leave them; that will not hurt them.
Or they become like Buddha, searching for seven
years to get to a place where there is no suffering, no
death, no attachment, just the peace of emptiness
and the Void.

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