Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Coming Alive to the Whole Self....................................................

We live in a mad, mad world. I felt it from the time
I was seven. I knew this could not possibly be my
world. There was too much violence, too much
indifference, too much uncaring, too much depression
and too much anger. Every one of my readers knows
Why is this?
First and foremost, we live in a consensus world, a
partially stable world of consensual agreement as to
what is real and what is not real. This is the world of
commonly perceived objects, social acceptance or
non-acceptance, such as with racism, tribalism, family
realities, political parties and ideologies, dress codes,
education, TV game shows, the nightly news, etc.
This whole bowl of wax is interpenetrated by a
network of accepted ideas and interpretations, and to
live in peace, we need to shape and contract our
incredibly intuitive and powerful self to fit within a
common pattern of social acceptance. And this pattern
shifts and changes from country to country, and
century to century, and in none of this is there real
happiness, for we are never ourselves; we are always
caricatures, little robots or puppets, that once we
discover this, and begin to lead authentic lives in a

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