Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

in a different world and have to be careful how we
present ourselves within “their world” otherwise we
are branded as immature, narcissistic, crazy, wacko, or
as a “diamond in the rough.”
Only when the whole world becomes incredibly
sensitive to every aspect of every embodied, individual
self within the universal Self of All, will the world not
appear to be insane. This is not a short-term project.
We are talking millennia maybe.
In the meantime, we need to learn how to remain
sane, exploring an ever deepening inner world of
energies, compassion, love and acceptance, while
living within a world that is not real. Good luck to all
of us.
Email from a Student:
I've had some recent experiences that I'd like to
share with you. I don't know what any of them mean
nor am I sure that I need to know.
For the past couple of weeks I have noticed more
of a sense of presence which to me feels more like
something True and stable. I have felt an unshakeable
peace or courage or strength most of the time, even
when I am deeply hurting or sad or jealous or afraid...
Most of the energy I have felt, such as vibrations,
burning, tingling, currents going through my muscles,

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