Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

feeling like my head is being swept clean...has been
more associated with the gross body.
I have also felt huge movements of energy within
what seems to be a sort of an infinite type space,
which I only became aware of due to the energy
moving through it. These movements of energy
sometime feel like gentle waves moving through this
space and at other times I have heard a rumble deep
within me followed by what would feel like a gigantic
earthquake within this space. These movements of
energy seem to happen inside and outside of the body;
requiring the body to experience them. So to say, "I
am not my body" does not seem altogether true to me.
It seems more true to say that "I am more than just my
I have also been experiencing a sort of hum in my
head off and on, sort of like the sound a tuning fork
would make... a vibratory type hum that changes in
intensity. The first time I heard it, it sounded more
like there was a gathering of humming birds in my
head. Sometimes there is the sound of beautiful
angelic music.
And just today, I was sitting in the kitchen wasting
time on Facebook and I began to feel a surge of energy
begin to arise from deep within me. As it arose, the
power and strength of it gradually increased until it
felt like a volcano had erupted from deep within me. I

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