Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

felt the most amazing bliss, along with a sense of awe
and wonder at this power.
My inquiring mind wants to know: What is feeling
this energy? What experienced and felt this volcanic
eruption of power from within me? I can't make it
come back, but I feel the residue of it as a stronger
sense of presence so to speak.”
Ed Responds:
This latter experience of the inner arising of
bliss/energy and love that comes as an inner
explosion, an inner volcano, is that of the Self
revealing itself to you as a human personality. You
have "seen" the Self-of-All as a separate entity, an
awesome "other," which at this point still seems
separate from you as you still identify with (student’s
name) as opposed to Turiya, a gate to which has been
opened to you.
But congratulations!! This is a very important step
towards knowing who you are.
You have glimpsed the Ox, so to speak, using the
Zen analogy.
You have begun to disidentify with your primary
identity of being the body, and are now identifying
more with subtle body phenomena, such as sounds, the
nadi, energies as manifestations of impersonal shakti,

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