Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Only the Absolute is changeless and eternal, and
thus real. We can also come to see that what we are
[beyond the appearance of the apparent person] is
changeless and unmoving. We are what is real. We are
that Absolute, changeless awareness - called Self - for
it is exactly here, as close as close can be.
Ed: Do you experience the Absolute? If not, it is
just an idea or inference, or a place to be. When you
are it, is it an experience; No? When you are it you
experience the world as oneness. The Absolute has no
qualities, it is not eternal, unchanging, unmoving;
those are characteristics of experience, the
background, emptiness, the Void. You are confusing
the quality of the Void, unchanging emptiness, as the
Student: The awareness of the void is not the
void. The void appeared to [in] me, and I am clearly
not that, nor the creation that projected in/from 'it’.
An 'experience' of the Absolute alone is without a
localized experiencer or objects of experience. In a
way, such an event is of far less use than a samadhi
'with' thought. [Savikalpa vs nirvikalpa].
Ed: Can you experience the Absolute alone? Can it
be experienced, whether by a localized core, or
objects, or without core of objects? Do you
experience yourself as a subject? How does one

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