Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

I jumped back into an embodied awareness, with the
thought "I should turn back and complete my walk."
I was struck by what had occurred, and realized
that the 'tipping sky' was actually the 'tipping' of the
body. Basically, this was a death of the body
experience seeing both the body and the 'heart's spark'
leave this awareness.
Ed: This is still an experience and on it you have
added an interpretation of the death of the body. This
was a temporary experience.
The “experience” of the Absolute is one where
“YOU” are completely absent of self-awareness, and
suddenly consciousness comes to you as an awareness
of the waking world, dream, or deep sleep. You feel
or see consciousness flowing towards you, but you are
untouched by it. You do not experience yourself as
anything; you experience consciousness moving, and
also experience that all of this consciousness is not
‘You’, ‘You’ are apart from it.
However revelatory this is, however miraculous to
discover your essential ‘You-ness’ is beyond existence,
it is in the Play of consciousness, the so-called dream,
where the action is. As such, an imaginary real or not,
this is where we play out our lives and loves, and it is
this aspect of me that I choose to embrace, not the

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