Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

That is, there is an unstated assumption that there
is an inner ‘I,’ and opposing that on the other side of
the skin is an ‘outer’ world. When it is seen that the
word ‘I’ does not point to anything, the old dichotomy
between inner and outer collapses, and we see that
the objects we think exist are actually the result of
concepts applied to the external world, such as the
word ‘chair’ which is superimposed by the mind on raw
With this discovery we understand that the
external world in its entirety, is constructed from a
mental map of tens of thousands of concepts, some
strictly personal, and many which are commonly held
by society and culture.
I really do not want to get into the depths of
discussion about how this occurs, as it is explained in
depth in my awakening experiences in the beginning of
the book.
It is commonly held now by Advaita advocates that
the experience reveals that the mind/ego is no more
than a collection of thoughts that come and go rather
arbitrarily. But in fact this is not true. Each individual
is rather unique, and the way they arrange concepts
and behaviors, and the way they see the world is fairly
unique to that individual despite many shared

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