Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Does anyone in their right mind think that we could
look within our subjectivity and find our personality?
Can we find our personality as an entity? Is not our
personality much of what we call the ‘ego’?
Can we look within ourselves and find our ability to
do mathematics; or rather do we just do mathematics
by “becoming” a certain part of the complex
structures of our self as a human being? That is, I
don’t look inside and find a mathematics nodule or
mathematics entity in my subjectivity. I just get into a
certain frame of mind in which I can see math symbols
and transformations, I become it, and then I can do
mathematics. But there certainly is no entity like a
mathematics learning center, or physics learning core
entity, or an observable ego sub-core entity that
controls all of our human interaction skills.
Is not all of this part of what we call the ego?
Does not the word ‘ego’ really refer to dozens of
invisible processes, patterns and skills, and all of our
personality as it relates to the rest of the world? Or
does ego just point to that sense of ‘I’?
How can we possibly believe we can look inside of
ourselves and find a pattern of how we relate to other
people? Instead, in a real-life situation with another
person, don't we try to intuitively feel our own
emotions in response to the interaction and cues in the

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