Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

experience the world in its existence. The world does
not exist apart from our experiencing the world.
So what is the difference between an awakened
man, a totally liberated man, and an ordinary man?
I am saying this issue is so complex, so varied, that
merely seeing that the ‘I-thought’ itself is not
permanent, or that it points to nothing, really is the
barest of beginnings of awakening. There is so much
more to do.
All the hidden wrinkles, the angers, hurts,
humiliations, fears, and hatreds remain. There is no
King ‘I’ to be killed. Instead we are afloat in a river of
inner and outer happenings always impermanent and
changing, where “shit” is always floating to the top.
The real meaning of the ‘no-I’ experience is to
introduce us to space, emptiness, the ground state of
consciousness, and by living in that, to better deal
with the flotsam that surfaces in life.
Another issue that often arises for the neo
advaitins, is that they learned from Sailor Bob or
someone else that there is no separate ‘I’, or separate
What they mean by this is unclear. Do they mean
there is only One experience and no world/me
separation of any sort?

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