Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

What does this mean experientially? What is their
experience? Does it mean that their intelligence or
perceiving is spread equally throughout their
experienced world? There is no inner versus outer, no
me versus you, no world versus Ed, John, or Ann? Is
this what they really mean?
If this is the case, how do they manage to escape
being killed by an imaginary car at an intersection, or
escape a gun wielding psychopath? If they are not
separate from me, and there is only one, what am I
protecting when I run, or look both ways for oncoming
traffic? If there is no one but me, how do I function in
the world? In fact, do not all of the neo advaitins
proclaim ‘no’ separate sense of self? If nothing is
separate, why do they act as if a car speeding towards
them is a danger and jump out of the way? If there is
no separate entity, why would there be any fear of
death or injury?
It is, of course, because we know we are a
separate mind/body entity that needs to hold onto
that belief to survive.
The human being is really a collection of many
psychological and behavioral functionings and
"internal" and invisible psychic structures, which Freud
called the Ich, which was translated into English as

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