Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

seemed to flow from emptiness, and the mind played a
subservient role.
Now the question is, when the mind drops, what
do I become? I became me, a fully functioning
body/mind functioning in a new world with far less
thinking and thought. The illusory world of the
network of thought disappeared, and I began
functioning out of emptiness, automatically.
There was still a sense of ā€˜Iā€™, or being the subject,
but it was not confined to any location in space-time.
Then one day I had a second awakening
experience. I saw that consciousness itself was illusory
and not me. By that I mean that I felt I was outside of
consciousness, and the states of consciousness came to
me without touching or affecting me. Waking
consciousness came and went. The dream state came
and went. The sleep state came and went, but I was
untouched. I had moved to a deeper level inside of
"me" that was "deeper" than consciousness. I might say
it was really experienced as "other" than
I was that which was beyond consciousness.
consciousness itself was an illusion. The oneness state
itself was illusory. All thoughts were illusory.

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