Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

or Self, consciousness and the Absolute, and all the
different techniques that are accepted routes for
achieving peace and happiness.
These were "local" prisons, trapping individuals into
lifeless marriages or relationships, boring jobs,
depression, feelings of desolation and hopelessness,
and endless repetition of relatively meaningless
There was no ‘life’ in many people's lives,
especially those seeking spirituality. They know
something is missing in the world and in their lives, as
well as everyone else's life, but they do not know what
that “missing” is.
They then began searching, knowing not what they
look for. This is THE major confusion in the spiritual
world. What do we want when we seek?
Some seek knowledge. Some seek love. Some seek to
disappear, to transcend everything in an ultimate
peace as they imagine Ramana Maharshi to have lived
in. Some seek to re-experience life with a new
intensity and with feeling. Others seek an ultimate
security, a knowing of Truth.
But I think what I found is the whole package.
First one discovers that the entity they thought they
were is not real, and there is just an impersonal

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