Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

are the patient, accepting host; everything
experienced is a guest.
(Actually, the more advanced teaching is:
Sometimes you are the host, sometimes the guest,
sometimes both. But in the description above, I was
trying to describe the host position clearly.)

Well, the Deed is Done. Little Red is Dead...........................

The vet said the tumor has not shrunk any, and his
gums were even whiter, meaning more anemic. He
was more active now because the massive amounts of
steroids were canabalizing his muscle tissue, but giving
him more energy to live. He lost a half pound of
weight in three days, which was 10% of his body weight
in just three days.
Reimer said he would probably crash, as so often
happens when people delay euthanasia, to the middle
of night. Red was in pain with a very sensitive
So both Kerima and I felt the time was right. It felt
right. Red was dying feeling a little better than two
days ago, rather than going off being rushed to an
emergency vet in the middle of the night.

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