Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

Yes, Robert only spoke of escape, of gradually sees
the whole picture of life, and one learns detachment
by witnessing and deliberately not reacting.
But for what? What was the reward for dying to
our human attachments?
Well, in going within we find the bliss of self,
which gradually gives way to ecstasy. But eventually
these phases pass and one just encounters a deeper
peace, and the clear, self-illumined void, and a kind of
ever present, mild happiness.
Also, we go to a place where love and idealism is
safe. In this area our love is perfect and we can hang
onto the belief of the omnipotence of love, that “true
love” conquers death and any other obstacles. We are
cocooned in a self-contained Self-awareness with no
duality, just me.
I saw we can have both our humanity and the
Infinite. Once finding the rock bottom levels of
consciousness, the so called Absolute beyond
consciousness, as well as knowing the ‘I Am’ and the
love of the ‘I Am,’ as well as the state of not knowing
and ignorance, can we not return to being a regular
human again, totally feeling the pangs of loss,
desperation, love, and all the other emotions
associated with being human. Do we really want to

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