Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

But to know this, to feel this, to own this truth you
need to be able to experience everything, from the
deepest humiliation and exposure, to the most
intense, ecstatic love of someone you must not love,
of forbidden sexual impulses, such as the son for the
mother, or daughter for the father, or someone else’s
spouse. This does not mean you have to act out every
impulse, but you do have to reown the lost parts of
your long lost personal self and bring them into
One of the most powerful keys in this Bhaktic path
is awakening one’s sexuality. This allows you to
blossom as a human, to love and lust whether
consummated or not. There is a rawness in deep
romantic love and lust that causes the shakti to flow
most powerfully, and which can awaken the Self from
her imposed coma of mundane life, conventions and
Intense love in a sensitive person aware of their
deepest impulses and fears causes a quickening of
Kundalini and Chi energies which prepare one for the
arising of the Self in consciousness, experienced as an
explosion of light, energy, love and ecstasy. The
experience of Self arising from within is totally beyond
anything going before. This one Self-of-all is so
powerful, so pure, and so complete, that it feels like

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