Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

“Other,” like God; yet we know intuitively that it is
really us. We are divine beings ultimately.
To do these things, to awaken to the totality of
yourself, requires complete openness, complete
fearlessness of exposure before God or man. Your life
and actions are as an open book with no fear of
humiliation, retribution, condemnation, or loss of
loved ones.
You become as strong as a mountain, more fearless
than Achilles, more loving than Krishna or Christ, more
blessed than Mary, more honored than Buddha, for you
cannot be cut by words, hurt by exposure, tempted by
money or the concept of peace.
When you have reached this state you no longer
run from pain as does everyone else, but you run
towards it, for those strong negative and positive
emotions are the suppressed and feared you. When
you regain these lost elements of your buried, personal
self, that integration explodes in you the power to
access the True Self, the ‘I Am,’ the Godhead!
No matter how easily or often you can access
samadhis, or dip into Turiya via abiding in the ‘I Am,’
until you have brought your unwashed, unclean,
dishonest, rageful, jealous and extremely needy and
buried parts of your self into the open, and then, going
further, show them to the world; you will not be able

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