Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

during March of 2011 we both had an identical
experience of the 'I Am', of the Self of all arising in us
separately during one of our off periods.
One day in March, I awoke feeling intense energies
permeating my body. It is hard to explain what it is
like, but it felt like my body and sense of presence
were empty, a vast inner emptiness that contained all
of my body’s experiences like a balloon that was
expanding by the pressure of the intense, almost
erotic energies pushing outwards from my heart.
Suddenly, I felt a tremendous energy and light
explode from my gut, and slowly work its way
upwards, powerfully, inevitably, towards my heart. It
is so hard to describe it, this Self.
It was like a terrible volcano of exploding energy
and brilliant white light like an expanding explosion,
arising from within, upwards into my heart and even
further upwards into my head and beyond.
The energy was so beyond anything I had ever felt
that it blew me, Ed, away, yet there was a residual
personal left who felt nothing but awe at the ascent of
the divine within me, which I felt as other from the
personal me still present, but which I now recognize as
the ‘I’ Ramana talked about, and ‘Self’ that Robert and
Nisargdatta talked about.

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