Self-Realization and Other Awakenings

(Darren Dugan) #1

At this point, a whole new world and a whole new
me can be born, one of an infinitely changing fullness
of the heart, where emotions and internal energies,
the so called Chi and Kundalini energies, and their
blissful and ecstatic offspring, have as much or more
power than anything in the formerly experienced
external world.
A new world is experienced, one of magic, where
walls, trees, grass, and the moon are seen more as
sentient and living entities as opposed to mere
objects. We begin to see the entire world as energies
and consciousness which constantly changes and flows.
It is the mind with its network of thought, which
imposes an apparently solidity and permanence onto
the flux of consciousness.
All this too passes as we begin to understand the
transitory nature of all experience, even
transcendental experience, and allow ourselves to
open to all movements of energy, emotions and
thought through our bodies and our sense of presence.
We accept all experiences. We accept love, loss,
fear, jealousy, and hatred first as guests, passing
through our consciousness, and then sometimes as
identified as us, as the host. We identify with the
feelings rather than as an entity experiencing feelings.
Nothing is solid and fixed.

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